
A private client MADE-TO-MEASURE service provided directly from the Fashion Designer, Antonina Izmaylova-Gam supported by an in-house Atelier. IZMAYLOVA Bespoke service followed on from the increasing demand from private clients for other bespoke services. All Bespoke products are crafted by hand in the Atelier of IZMAYLOVA in London, United Kingdom.
There is a spiritual and ethical distinction between factory- produced objects and those made with care by an artisan’s own hand. The work of a REAL ARTISAN distinguishes itself from the final object manufactured by machine.
The machine treats all raw materials the same way, but the artisan selects by eye, feel, touch, and an intuitive understanding. The artisan sees the material as somehow speaking to him or her, and in this dialogue the raw material itself - through its PECULIARITIES and great IDIOSYNCRASIES - it suggests its placement in the final work.
The artisan’s job is to mediate a NUMBER OF ELEMENTS... the difficulty for them being that some of these elements may be compatible, while some may create tensions that need to be creatively resolved in order to maintain cohesion. This is what is considered true craftsmanship, and it is something that a machine can never hope to replicate.